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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dormir pra quê???

Gente, faz 24 horas que eu aterrisei em Dubai, exausto, com dores no cóquix (como é que se escreve isto???) por dormir na posiçao fetal em assentos de aviao e com vontade de dormir 5 dias seguidos. Nao consegui pregar o olho!!! Tomei uma boleta e apaguei por umas 7 horas, depois passei o dia acordado, fucinando, desarumando malas, vendo DVDs, organisando aos poucos minha vida e achei que chegando a noite apagaria. Que nada. Aqui estou eu, quase 4 da manha acordadao! E isso que daqui a 1 hora e meia toca o meu despertador para eu ir trabalhar. Ainda bem que é um vôo para Frankfurt, onde chove, faz frio e nao há nada para fazer. Entao o plano é ficar lendo no quarto do hotel.

Volto na Quinta à noite e na Sexta estarei em Dubai para colocar o blog em dia, contando das férias no Brasil, do casamento da Fafá e de Buenos Aires...

Vou tentar dormir outra vez.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Um saco...

Ja estou em Londres esperando o voo para Dubai. O voo de Curitiba para SP atrasou 2 horas e quase perco a conexao. Turbulencia do Brasil ate aqui. Fui barrado na entrada da imigracao pois queria um carimbo no meu passaporte. Nao me deixaram entrar. Deu uma sensacao horrivel e vontade de explodir o metro...

Agora tenho mais 2 horas de esspera aqui e 7 de voo... ficou longe

Friday, October 07, 2005


Adoro esta palavra em alemao que descreve o estado de estar em trânsito, entre dois pontos. E lá vou eu, de Dubai ao Brasil...


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Le mois d'Octobre

Je parts au Brésil et l'Argentine le samedi prochain. J'y serai jusqu'au dimanche 23 Octobre. Je vais essayer de vous laisser informés car dans deux semaines à Rio, Buenos Aires et Curitiba beaucoup de choses se passent!!! C'est vraiment formidable d'avoir des vacances avec un billet payé par Emirates, finalement!

Il faut que je m'arrête car dans quelques heures je parts au Pakistan et demain en Inde... malheureusement ce sont des vols aller-retour simples, sans aucun séjour là-bas!!!

À propos, après les vacances j'aurai un vol sur Francfort le 26 Octobre et un autre sur Athènes le 29.

Bisous à tous et à toutes!

ps: Faten, bien sûr que je me rapelle de toi! Je travaille souvent avec des Tunisiens. Laisse-moi ton email pour que je t'écrive tout de suite, chérie!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

It is written in the walls...

Bengali taxis

waiting to cross the street in Dhaka

Bangladesh and the Books

Had my first trip to Bangladesh. Was in Dhaka for 24 hours and it is not a place to spend holidays. Not at all!!! The flight is quite OK because it is not very long but nobody speaks English and the passengers are not familiar at all with seat numbers, TV, fork, knife, etc. However they are extremely nice people and smile a lot.

Dhaka is a big slum, dirty, crowded and very wet. On the way from Dubai to Bangladesh we flew over the north of India and I could see most of the Himalayas, Mt Everest included. What a beautiful view. Than in Dhaka I was convinced that there should be something interesting to see around the hotel. Went for a walk and was happy to be back to the realms of the Sheraton after 45 minutes beeing looked at as if I were E.T. on the streets.

The best thing of the trip was the fake DVD shop at the hotel, which sells nice DVDs for u$ 2,00 each, including recent releases! Too bad we can only bring in 10 DVDs at a time into the UAE!

Now I am struggling to study for my cabin crew licence renewal, which is in 2 days. Of course I knew about it for over a month and left it to the last minute. Even with the stress now I can still find many more interesting things to do instead of sitting down and studying boring First Aid and Safety on Board! And even while reading the manuals my brain is in Off mode. Guess I am now a full time cabin crew, stupid and clueless... oh my God!!!

Anyway, no matter what happens, on the 9th of October I land in Curitiba. Will also go to Rio and Buenos Aires. Will return to Dubai only on the 24th!!! Holidays in Brazil at last!!! Just hope I pass the exam, otherwise they send me back to Training College!!!

Well, will go back to the manuals now to stare at them for another hour before I go wash the dishes or do the laundry...