I will definetly start a new blog in 2007. Once is it up and running I will put the address here. Otherwise you can contact me via email on my hotmail account (vfrare at hotmail dot com). Sorry to dissapoint but I have been having some new ideas and at the same time there is all the work to put together my new company. So once 2007 kicks in I will let you know about the new blog.
okay okay
mais nao desperdiça tudo isso q vc escreveu aki tah
isso daria um livro fantastico
pense na ideia
vamos pense com mais força
sorte pra vc
Anonymous, at 15 December, 2006
Não nos abandoneeeeeeeeee...
Estaremos aqui anciosos por novas histórias!
Pq vc não comentou que no final de semana vc esteve na fazenda das Violas e a tua cabeça voltou total ao passado, as lembranças da nossa infância, ao carneiro chamado GAUCHO que te deu um corridão... etc. etc. etc..
Com certeza essa história seria engraçada!
Beijos Ni
ps: muito bom tê-lo por perto!
Anonymous, at 20 December, 2006
I'm sorry. I've been so busy, I am just reading this now.
This truly is the end of an era. Well, it was absolutely my privilage to join you in all your travels and adventures through your blog. Thank you for taking all of us along for the ride.
The best of luck in all your new adventures and I will be happy t read anything you write (even if it is only your grocery shoping list).
Huge kiss,
p.s: What happenned with the email address? You should try gmail.
Anonymous, at 26 December, 2006
So sad to see a end of a era...
Good luck with new beginnings in Brazil!!!
Chaos, at 03 January, 2007
Eu sempre venho aqui para dar uma olhadinha no novo endereco do Blog, mas fico desapontada de nao encontrar nada... missing your stories!
Anonymous, at 05 January, 2007
soh pra lembrar q 2007 ja começou heim hihih
eh vc cantanto nesse video???
feliz ano novo
Anonymous, at 25 January, 2007
E o novo blog vem quando?? Cade vc? Como vai o novo trabalho??
Grande abraço. Saudades!
Alan, at 11 February, 2007
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