Bangladesh and the Books
Had my first trip to Bangladesh. Was in Dhaka for 24 hours and it is not a place to spend holidays. Not at all!!! The flight is quite OK because it is not very long but nobody speaks English and the passengers are not familiar at all with seat numbers, TV, fork, knife, etc. However they are extremely nice people and smile a lot.
Dhaka is a big slum, dirty, crowded and very wet. On the way from Dubai to Bangladesh we flew over the north of India and I could see most of the Himalayas, Mt Everest included. What a beautiful view. Than in Dhaka I was convinced that there should be something interesting to see around the hotel. Went for a walk and was happy to be back to the realms of the Sheraton after 45 minutes beeing looked at as if I were E.T. on the streets.
The best thing of the trip was the fake DVD shop at the hotel, which sells nice DVDs for u$ 2,00 each, including recent releases! Too bad we can only bring in 10 DVDs at a time into the UAE!
Now I am struggling to study for my cabin crew licence renewal, which is in 2 days. Of course I knew about it for over a month and left it to the last minute. Even with the stress now I can still find many more interesting things to do instead of sitting down and studying boring First Aid and Safety on Board! And even while reading the manuals my brain is in Off mode. Guess I am now a full time cabin crew, stupid and clueless... oh my God!!!
Anyway, no matter what happens, on the 9th of October I land in Curitiba. Will also go to Rio and Buenos Aires. Will return to Dubai only on the 24th!!! Holidays in Brazil at last!!! Just hope I pass the exam, otherwise they send me back to Training College!!!
Well, will go back to the manuals now to stare at them for another hour before I go wash the dishes or do the laundry...
Boa sorte nos exames...nos vemos semana que vem...! Raul
Anonymous, at 03 October, 2005
Looking forward to seeing you!
Anonymous, at 03 October, 2005
Amore mio, vc sempre fala que tá estudando de última hora, desde os nossos tempos de Angelo....e sempre é Posicobra hehehe. Good Luck!!! Bjos. TTs
PS: Vc não respondeu o meu e mail a respeito da data da minha festinha.
Anonymous, at 03 October, 2005
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