Election Day in the US and I am around here checking it out. Will fly back to Dubai tonight. My parents are already in Miami and Raul is on his way to Sao Paulo. I have a few extra hours to walk around Soho
Fofs please, planeja e realiza, em tempo, um ataque suicida a Washington por favor?! on my behalf, please..... dark clouds are lifting up in the horizon. Vamos ajeitar a porcaria que os republicanos estao fazendo do jeito mais rapido e facil que existe.....bombing George Bush (i bet your blog will be scrutinized by some Big Brother electronic system at the WH cause I added 2 crucial words) Love -- and go back safe to live among the unfaithful Ale
Fofs please, planeja e realiza, em tempo, um ataque suicida a Washington por favor?! on my behalf, please..... dark clouds are lifting up in the horizon. Vamos ajeitar a porcaria que os republicanos estao fazendo do jeito mais rapido e facil que existe.....bombing George Bush (i bet your blog will be scrutinized by some Big Brother electronic system at the WH cause I added 2 crucial words) Love -- and go back safe to live among the unfaithful Ale
Boa viagem back to Dubai.
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2004
Boa viagem! E assim q chegar coloque várias fotos para eu ver! Assim mato as saudades um pouquinho...... Bjos. Love!!! Tetê
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2004
please, planeja e realiza, em tempo, um ataque suicida a Washington por favor?! on my behalf, please..... dark clouds are lifting up in the horizon. Vamos ajeitar a porcaria que os republicanos estao fazendo do jeito mais rapido e facil que existe.....bombing George Bush (i bet your blog will be scrutinized by some Big Brother electronic system at the WH cause I added 2 crucial words)
Love -- and go back safe to live among the unfaithful
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2004
please, planeja e realiza, em tempo, um ataque suicida a Washington por favor?! on my behalf, please..... dark clouds are lifting up in the horizon. Vamos ajeitar a porcaria que os republicanos estao fazendo do jeito mais rapido e facil que existe.....bombing George Bush (i bet your blog will be scrutinized by some Big Brother electronic system at the WH cause I added 2 crucial words)
Love -- and go back safe to live among the unfaithful
Anonymous, at 03 November, 2004
Não gostei da maneira como você falou comigo,fiquei triste.
Anonymous, at 04 November, 2004
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