Bidding System and Rosters
That time of the month is coming in Dubai when the rosters for next month start to materialise. Why is it that we all get disapointed when we finally see what the next month will be like?
Typical Cabin Crew attitudes and behaviours are:
-The SFS or FG1 who knows that all other grades do not have their rosters yet and walks into the briefing room holding the paper and discussing the flights for next month with the other SFS or FG1 just to show off and make the others, specially the poor G2s jealous.
-The poor G2 who is going on leave next month and will only find out if he/she got the days off before or after the leave in order to change the annual leave ticket around the 28th of the month. It is usually too late. Many calls to the CCM will follow, specially when the very intelligent Canadian system for bidding gives him/her five days off, a Damascus and than the leave! So typical!
-The bastard who manages to get all the flights he/she bid for and needs to tell it out loud in the crew bus to the other tired crew who will be doing the shit left over.
-The thick lipped Egyptian who will immediately cross out all the flights she/he will call sick for next month.
-The dumb girl who will complain that the bidding system is shit, that the old bidding was much better, that back than she would get all the flights she wanted. Not knowing that the real problem lies in her brain and in her lack of intelligence to bid properly.
-The desperate crew who will start calling EVITA around the 15th of the month just in case the rosters are already out. But remember: YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY CHANGES!
-The whole unfairness of it all since those who did not want that Osaka will get it while you, who have bid thousands of points for it, get that Cairo or Ryad when you also bid thousands more to avoid Middle East.
-What about that very typical girl who looks at the roster and says: Where is LHR? What is CU? Do we fly to Jakarta???
Did I forget anything as basic as these????
fofs, ce ja ta de volta ao Brasil? Eu cheguei ontem da Guatemala com a maior infecçao intestinal que uma Latin Belly (já que não temos a Delhi Belly) pode permitir.
Quer vir para ca? Eu viajo de novo dia 10 e volto pro Brasil dia 22....e acho que vou em seguida para Curitiba. Vc vai passar o natal aí?
Anonymous, at 21 November, 2006
esse seu humor eh ootimo
eu me divirto horrores hihihi
bem vindo ao lar bobby
viu a chuva de sabado?
bah .... ateh os seus choraram de alegria pela sua volta :)
um abraço
Anonymous, at 22 November, 2006
i like your blog lot.
thanx for sharing your adventures with us!
greets from spain :)
Anonymous, at 03 December, 2006
Vincent querido...!
Como se te extraña por estas tierras. Me hiciste morir de risa, hasta las lágrimas con esta entrada en tu blog!!! Muy buena!!!
Definitivamente debes escribir...
Mil besos y que todo siga bien
Pablo, at 12 December, 2006
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