Day 1
It is not because I am Brazilian or just because I was born and lived here until I was 20 that it makes it easy to come back. In fact I look at this place more or less like a foreigner without being one. It makes it a little complicated. Therefore I decided to create a new name for this place: Belindia.
Belindia is the combination of Belgium and India. At times Brazil looks like Belgium at others (many others) it feels like I am in India (without the Indians though, gladly).
On my first day I went straight to the mall and got a new SIM card for my mobile. Very efficient, very Belgium. Going out of the mall there was a huge slum and because of the tropical rainstorm the power had gone off and the traffic lights were not working. Very India indeed. I guess I will end up learning how to live with these two extremes quite soon. At least my family lives on the Belgium side!
The main issue this far has been the transition from a protected and well planned routine in Dubai to the uncertainties of being back here. For the time being I am at my parent´s, which is comfortable but not private at all. Than there is the ´heart´ factor since I left my heart in Garhoud. There is also the loads of people around, who want to see me, ask questions, give advice, etc. It is nice but sometimes I get overwhelmed with too much noise around.
Well, yesterday I closed a deal with two friends and we are opening our own business in February. More to come. For the time being I will just be patient and wait for it all to sink in!
Nossa Vi, imagino mesmo que vc esteja ainda atordoado com a mudanca.Acho que vai levar um tempo para se acostumar. Por um outro lado é legal saber que ja tem planos e que ja está até envolvido em um novo projeto por aí. Ficamos esperando por noticias suas anciosos.
Um beijão e muita sorte!
Flav & Lars
Anonymous, at 19 November, 2006
Também estou no aguardo das notícias do "new business" pra Fevereiro.
Mas uma pergunta, a viagem pra Europa em Janeiro ainda está de pé, certo?
Alan, at 20 November, 2006
Oi Vicente,
Nao sei se voce lembra de mim, eu sou amiga da Silvia. Por casualidade eu encontrei o seu irmao no asw e ele comentou que voce estava voltando para o Brazil e que voce tinha este blog. I thought it was wonderful to read about how going back to Curitiba would be like since I have now officially spent half of my life living abroad. Your adventures seam one of a kind!
Anonymous, at 21 November, 2006
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