In case you were wondering...
Caso voce esteja perguntando...
I will be away from the Internet on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th.
Estarei longe da Internet na Sexta 13 e no Sabado 14.
Will be back in Dubai on Sunday 15th.
Retorno a Dubai no Domingo dia 15.
This year's key number is 31.
O numero chave deste ano eh 31.
In case I do not write on the 15th it is because I got mugged in Nigeria or got seriously abused by a passenger.
Caso eu nao escreva no dia 15 eh porque fui assaltado na Nigeria ou abusado por um passageiro.
Long live prejudice...
E viva o preconceito...
the next one is just for Portuguese speakers, desole!
eh coisa de gente velha, entendam!
If you want to leave me a message you just have to write to vfrare@emirates.net.ae
Para me deixar uma mensagem eh so escrever para vfrare@emirates.net.ae
feliz aniversario entao!
Happy Birthday then!
bj Pati
Anonymous, at 12 January, 2006
Hope to catch you on the phone for your birthday!
Hey - I have made a blog for an old fisherman from my village. To prevent him from continuing to burn a CD Rom of his entire harddrive everytime he adds a new recipe, I decided to put them on the blog for him. Practice your Swedish and see a few photographs of Skåre on http://svenochulla.blogspot.com
Love, Lisa
Anonymous, at 13 January, 2006
Parabens e muitas felicidades neste dia , espero que vc tenha somente coisas boas em mais um ano de vida, Bjos.........( adiantei um pouco pq amanhã viajo e não terei acesso.) ok?
Anonymous, at 13 January, 2006
O Sarna, porque não colocou no teu artigo que hoje, dia 14 de janeiro, é teu aniversário e que vc estará na NIgéria a Trabalho, seria bem mais fácil.....rs.
Feliz Aniversário!!!!
Amo Você!!!
Anonymous, at 14 January, 2006
Vi... Tillykke med Fødselsdagen!!! HHuuurraaaaaa!!!! HHHuuurrraaaa!!!HHuurrraaa!!!
Vi tænker på dig!
Store Knus!!
Flav & Lars
Anonymous, at 15 January, 2006
i miss u like hell!
Anonymous, at 20 January, 2006
Hej Vicente,
Ha den äran! Jag läser ibland din blog och tycker den är jätte kul.
Vi hors, Iracélia
Anonymous, at 14 February, 2006
i dont understand a single word from what is written but i can read from ur eyes that u r a happy man! am happy for you ! i wish i can read what is written can u put some texts in english so we can read ur thoughts! i miss ur sense of humour! such a lovely guy vicente! and such an artist
Anonymous, at 19 February, 2006
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