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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Feels like holidays

These are just days off, a bit too many of them, but it feels like a nice long holiday. Got lucky with my July's roster and will fly again only on the 6th, therefore will stay in Barcelona until Thursday, go to Sweden for the weekend and than catch a flight back to the UAE.

The wedding was great and will post photos as soon as I have time in Dubai.

As far as it goes my roster is the following:

1 - 5: off
6: Khartoum (Sudan)
8: Tehran (Iran)
10: Muscat (Oman)
12: Seoul (South Korea)
15 - 16: off
17: Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
18: Khartoum (Sudan)
20: Paris (Texas)
23: off
24: Damman (Saudi Arabia)
25 - 27: off
28: Malta (for 3 days!!!)

Now I am off to Barri Gòtic for lunch with a friend from Brazil who just arrived in Barcelona for a new life!!! Quite tempted to return myself but still enjoy working for Emirates!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I am in Barcelona again!!! Seeing friends, visiting this marvelous city. Love it!!! Tomorrow off to Valencia for a wedding! Back on Saturday or Sunday! Still dont know when to fly back to Dubai. It all depends on my July's roster...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Um homem muito ocupado!

Cheguei de Londres às duas da manha. Vôo atrasado pois perdemos o slot para decolagem de Heathrow devido ao sumiço de 5 passageiros. Devem ter sido presos pela imigraçao inglesa. Vim correndo de cima para baixo da cabine de Londres a Dubai = a 6 horas de academia!

Estou com muitos cabelos brancos. E a tal história que se você tirar um nascem 4 outros no lugar é verdade. Até o Natal estarei grisalho. Pelo menos ainda tenho cabelo (bem, vendo de cima nao dá para botar muita fé).

Voltei a amar a minha vida. Nao sei se é o efeito do Luvox ou uma re-estruturaçao de minhas expectativas quanto a Dubai e à Emirates. Mas é bem melhor estar assim pois se nao posso envenenar todos os passageiros é melhor ser simpático com todos, sorrir (todos elogiam os meus dentes, afinal a maioria deles nao os têm), flertar pela cabine e ser 'lovely' do que ficar me remoendo no fundo da cabine e me trancando no banheiro para fugir deles.

Ontem no ônibus para casa, depois do vôo academia, eu exausto (of course que saí em Londres, tomei doses de cafeína durante a tarde e outras de gin tônica à noite), escutando música no iPod, meio jogado no assento e vendo as luzes de Dubai passar pela janela. De repente começa a tocar uma música muito velha da Enya (bota piegas na cena) e apareceram os prédios iluminados da Sheik Zayed Road com uma lua gigantesca se pondo na direçao do Golfo Pérsico. A lua estava baixa e de col lilás!!! Inacreditável! Entao naquele momento imaginei minha vida qual um filme e que havia uma câmera registrando aquele momento para depois ir para a tela (me achei o artista). Viu, estou ficando louco outra vez.

Amanha cedo vou para Nice, via Roma com mais centenas de passageiros. Desta vez é a gritaria dos italianos e a petulância dos franceses. O Miquel, que está em Paris, vai se encontrar comigo na Côte d'Azur no final do dia para um pastis vendo o pôr do sol na sacada do Hôtel de Paris de Monte Carlo (podres de chique com nossos óculos Gucci e calças G-Star). Na Segunda ele volta de passageiro e eu de escravo no vôo Nice Dubai via Roma. Aterisamos às 2 da manha e às 6 eu estarei no aeroporto de Dubai como passageiro indo para Barcelona!!!

Tenho um casamento no final de semana que vem em Valéncia de uma amiga espanhola com um amigo inglês. Casamento na praia e tudo. Depois ateriso em Barça para ver toda a 'galera' da cidade e se me derem dias de folga no começo de Julho vou ainda passar uns dias em Estocolmo com a Lisa!

Viram como sou um homem muito ocupado?!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Is the end approaching?

Here I am, another day locked inside as it is far too hot to walk around and there is absolutely nowhere indoors to go such as a FNAC store, museum, gallery, cafe and so on. Boring... Sitting at home, reading, eating, getting fatter.

Last night I had a Jeddah flight, those crazy 400 screaming passengers all dressed in white robes going for their pilgrimage to Mecca. It was actually quite a nice flight albeit very very tiring. There were too many children. And not any type of children but Arabic children. They are simply the most unpolite and spoilt kids in the world and their parents have absolutely no control over them. They hide under the seats and get caught in the wiring. They play in the aisles and we trip over them. They cry very loud because they dont want to be strapped on their seatbelts for landing. It is just tooooooo much.

Well, at least before that flight I had spent 3 very nice days with my parents in Dubai. They stayed at a nice hotel in a place that looks more like Disney (Pirates of the Caribbean) than Dubai. We had dinner at the Burj al Arab one night and the place looks like a circus. Very kitsch. The view however from the top restaurant is stunning! It feels like you are hanging over the Persian Gulf from a height of 200 metres. Amazing. The food was not as amazing but nice anyway.

On their last day here there was a major blackout in Dubai. At 9:30 am the power went off everywhere in the Emirate! Nobody could explain what was going on and how long it would take. Now think of a city that relies 100% in electricity without any of it? By midday it was too hot to stand anywhere. There was no airconditioning. The malls were closed. Mobiles phone did not work. Neither did the telephones. Traffic was chaotic. We were in the middle of the Gold Souk when it started and thought it was only in that area. Once we got to a mall and were denied entry we went back to the hotel thinking that a modern tourist complex in Dubai would have a generator. Nope! Even flights were cancelled!!! At 3 pm the rich areas of Dubai had the power restored but areas such as Karama and Bur Dubai (basically where the lower classes live) did not have power until much later.

The best part however was the following day when we read the news about the whole situation and all papers stated that it had lasted only a few hours (it lasted 6 hours), that citizens sought refuge in the shopping malls for their generators and air con (all of them were closed), that police teams were dispatched immediately to interchanges and traffic ran smoothly (they certainly were not in the taxi I was, trying to get back to the hotel) and that internet and mobile phones had absolutely no disruption (there was no mobile phone signal at all). So, once again the joys of living in a censored society, where nothing bad ever happens, even when it happens).

To summarize the whole situation, I am fed up and looking seriously into alternatives to leave Dubai until the end of the year. I will not tell you here what happened in Emirates two days ago, when all cabin crew received a letter from management because I dont want to run the risk of having somebody read these lines and I get in trouble. I can already get in trouble for criticising the government!!! Scary!!!

Now I have to go. Lahore in Pakistan is waiting for me! Better call it La Whore instead!!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Parents in Dubai

My parents are visiting Dubai and I will be away with them until Friday the 10th...

Thursday, June 02, 2005


I have just become a 21st Century human being because from today I own an iPod! It took me very long to buy one since I had to find the cheapest place on earth to buy it. Anyway, it happened in Singapore and now I am an iPerson!

Will now have to struggle to find 15000 songs to upload on the small machine. I can go jogging for 15 hours non stop listening to music and watching pictures on the small screen. Will try not to collapse during the exercising!

Am in Singapore, in this hot jungle island near the Equator. Only Dubai can be hotter than this place. At least here there are trees and lush vegetation, cafés and nice bars around. In Dubai all there is is sand, sand and sand! Tonight I fly back to Dubai, only 7 more hours of work before I can sit back and relax at home. Will actually have to prepare my flat for my parent's visit, you know, clean the toilet, rearange the magazines, wash the bed linen, pretend that everything is squeaky clean at all times!!! But I will be staying with them at a hotel! Am in desperate need of pampering and some more 5 star luxury!

This trip has been great so far. Apart from being jet lagged every day, crossing at least 3 time zones per flight I managed to go for nice walks and do some interesting shopping. The weather was great throughout, apart from Auckland. We actually sat on our jumpseats on board since the aircraft was shaking too much for us to do the service. It was rainny, windy and cold but it was good to be inside a café reading a book (am now struggling with Tolstoy's Karenina).

Miquel, my Spanish flatmate, has resigned. He will leave Dubai on the 4th of July! Quite sad news!!!

Well, will go for another walk under a 32 degree sun and 80% humidity before collapsing in my bed for the night flight to Dubai.