I have just become a 21st Century human being because from today I own an iPod! It took me very long to buy one since I had to find the cheapest place on earth to buy it. Anyway, it happened in Singapore and now I am an iPerson!
Will now have to struggle to find 15000 songs to upload on the small machine. I can go jogging for 15 hours non stop listening to music and watching pictures on the small screen. Will try not to collapse during the exercising!
Am in Singapore, in this hot jungle island near the Equator. Only Dubai can be hotter than this place. At least here there are trees and lush vegetation, cafés and nice bars around. In Dubai all there is is sand, sand and sand! Tonight I fly back to Dubai, only 7 more hours of work before I can sit back and relax at home. Will actually have to prepare my flat for my parent's visit, you know, clean the toilet, rearange the magazines, wash the bed linen, pretend that everything is squeaky clean at all times!!! But I will be staying with them at a hotel! Am in desperate need of pampering and some more 5 star luxury!
This trip has been great so far. Apart from being jet lagged every day, crossing at least 3 time zones per flight I managed to go for nice walks and do some interesting shopping. The weather was great throughout, apart from Auckland. We actually sat on our jumpseats on board since the aircraft was shaking too much for us to do the service. It was rainny, windy and cold but it was good to be inside a café reading a book (am now struggling with Tolstoy's Karenina).
Miquel, my Spanish flatmate, has resigned. He will leave Dubai on the 4th of July! Quite sad news!!!
Well, will go for another walk under a 32 degree sun and 80% humidity before collapsing in my bed for the night flight to Dubai.
por que ele se demitiu, dear? Eu ja sentia ate que conhecia o Miquel, de tanto que voce me falava dele...
Anonymous, at 02 June, 2005
Is your Flatmate Miquel from Barcelona? The former fireman?
Why did he resign? Will he join another airline in Spain?
Anonymous, at 02 June, 2005
Are you gonna get another roommate?
Why did he quit?
You made me curious... how much did you end up aying for the ipod?
Did you get my letter?
please post your schedule, so I can call you.
Anonymous, at 06 June, 2005
Hola Vicente!
Soy Jeanne de Malaga otra vez! Nos conocimos en Alicante, tu, Daniel Schwarz y yo! Long time no see pero me encanta leer tus aventuras en tu pagina, hasta me he planteado aprender portugues :)
Ultimamente mucha gente se marcha de Emirates, no se si por personal reasons o por el trabajo en si.
Con Miquel de Mallorca tbien stuve en contacto, me extraña k se vuelva tan pronto, no llevara ni 3 años alli.
Enfin he vuelto a quedar finalista en Londres este mes, me dicen si me cojen a mediados de julio, so any comment will be more than welcome pork ahora stoy muy bien en España asi k no se muy k hacer...cualkier comentario o consejo is more than welcome.
Oye y sabes algo de Dani? me mando un mail hace un monton y le respondi pero desde entonces nada.
Anyway no me enrollo mas! Espero k todo te vaya bien, sobre todo have fun y si tienes un momentito para aconsejarme, gracias de antemano,
Un beso muy grande desde Malaga,
Anonymous, at 10 June, 2005
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