Yesterday I managed to get to Stockholm after hours and hours on planes. Was dead tired though but still had dinner with Lisa and Ian at her place. Today I spent the whole afternoon walking around the city with Lota. Had dinner with Lisa and Ian in a very nice restaurant. Now I cannot sleep!
My brother is already in London, flying here tomorrow morning and my parents are getting to Paris tomorrow. We will all meet in Berlin on Monday. But before that is the big party weekend with all the Barcelona friends here in Sweden!
não esqueça de ler meu comentario lá na historinha do Haras Relinche!
Bjo Nicole
Anonymous, at 12 May, 2006
Olá Vi,aproveite bem a semana familiar, e não esqueça dos teus fãblogs, envie fotos da family em Berlim......
Beijos, Cá
Anonymous, at 13 May, 2006
we are all (Nicole, Jeronimo, zoca and Sandra) here, in front of your Curitiba's house.We are in a Mother's party in Manizinha's place and reading your blog.
beijos tia Sandra
Anonymous, at 14 May, 2006
Vi tenha um otimo time com os seus pais e o Raul mande um ola e feliz dia das maes,como vao todos?Meu irmao disse que eles estavao vendendo a casa,que triste uma parte de nossa history e de la bua!!!!!!!!!!!!!bua!!!!!!!love Ale
Anonymous, at 16 May, 2006
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