Passage to India
Even though I have the feeling of having done nothing noteworthy in the past weeks, lots have happened around here. The most important issue was the exam for the renewal of my cabin crew license, which occupied most of my productive thoughts throughout the month! I was so stressed with the exam that spent the whole month studying for it. Moreover, the date for me to go attend it has changed 3 times; therefore I was only able to get rid of it yesterday!!! At least it is over now and I have the license for another year!
This has been a weird month. I have not traveled a lot and most of my flights were around the Middle East. Needless to say that I have close to no flying hours and my paycheck will be a disaster! Thank god I am not spending Xmas at home otherwise would go broke buying gifts for everyone!
As a matter of fact, I have no idea where to spend Xmas this year. My December roster will come out only around the 27th and I will be away on holidays until December 3rd so will only find out than. I did not request anything in particular so let’s just see what Emirates will give me! I just hope to go to new destinations and see some nice cities otherwise I will be very disappointed.
Was granted the holidays I asked for for 2005 so it is now confirmed that I will go to Brazil in January for my 30th birthday. The party however has been cancelled due to lack of agreement between me and my family. It would turn out to be a big bash with guests from 9 months to 90 years old so I thought it would be better not to put myself thru that. But will be in Curitiba anyway on January 14th!
The other day there was a major storm here in Dubai. Can you imagine hail (granizo) falling from the sky in the middle of the desert? It caused chaos, of course, and my apartment almost flooded due to the amazing amount of water falling from the sky and that all pipes were full of sand! No major disasters recorded apart from many tree uproots!
Today I am going to India on my newest adventure! Don’t really know why I go to India again, since I remember hating every second of it when I was there. Anyway India is India and it makes one excited no matter what. Maybe this time things will be better… And at least now I have got friends there and have a wedding to attend on the 28th! Just hope all the Hindu Gods will cooperate when it comes to weather, planes leaving on time, food not being poisonous and so on and so forth…
So I get back to you if I find internet in India or the latest on December 4th with photos and news.
quer passar o natal comigo na Alemanha? Vou para la dia 22....
beijocas e divirta-se na India. faz uma tatoo de henna na mao, por mim?!
Anonymous, at 24 November, 2004
Vicente eu gostaria de ganhar um presente seu no dia 30 de novembro é o meu aviversário da Parabéns para mim sou a sem assinatura por favor eu vou ficar super feliz.
bjks boa viagem e divirta-se
Anonymous, at 24 November, 2004
digitei errado é o meu aniversário
Anonymous, at 24 November, 2004
Como assim não tem festa ????? Ahhhh Vi para tudo, estipula uma faixa etária para a quebradeira e pronto..... Enfim vou estar em Ctba e faremos festa seja na tua casa ou na rua, 30 em branco não passa não...... Bjos. Saudades!!!! Tetê
Anonymous, at 25 November, 2004
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