Greetings from Bombay, India, on my second full day here!!! What a place to be!!! So full of crazy people, life here itself is crazy... one wonders how people here survive and dont just go bananas!!!
At least I got to understand Dubai better after only a few hours in India, specially the driving.
These two days I spent walking like a mad man around the city. Saw most of the stuff I wanted and tonight will have dinner with Mamta, one of Lavita's friends. Tomorrow I am off to Delhi in the evening and hope to see Karina and Chintu than! Brigit gets there on the 29th for lunch and we hope to go either to Agra or Amritsar... we shall see...
My flights for December are out already and it is crazy! Got 2 times Athens two days and 3 times Moscow! Anyway, am on a tinsy cyber cafe where it is hotter than hell so I better go before I sweat on my new shirt, which I put especially to have dinner at the luxurious Taj Mahal hotel... Funny place. Poor and Rich more intense than Rio de Janeiro!!!
Não consigo imaginar como é a India até tenho coisas indianas gostaria de ver as suas fotos ou quem sabe você tire alguma em especial para eu ficar imaginando você descrevendo assim eu não tenho a minima idéia
Anonymous, at 27 November, 2004
Não consigo imaginar como é a India até tenho coisas indianas gostaria de ver as suas fotos ou quem sabe você tire alguma em especial para eu ficar imaginando você descrevendo assim eu não tenho a minima idéia
Anonymous, at 27 November, 2004
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