OK, in less than a week I went to NY twice. The first flight had a very light load and ran smooth and easy. However, as paradise does not last for long, the last flight from Dubai to NY was almost full and by the time we landed in JFK I wanted to sit down and cry for I was exhausted...
But NY changes every mood and by the time I checked into my room I was already feeling hyper again. Got changed and went to walk around 6th Ave. It was closed for traffic to celebrate the first day of summer!!!
Met Karina (from Hosta) at the Ritz Carlton and we went for drinks at the new Mandarin Oriental by Columbus Circle and the views from that place are breathtaking! AMAZING!!! New York in summer is just an amazing place!!! Yesterday as I was getting back to the hotel there was a live concert in front of the David Letterman Show. Again the streets were closed and there were loads of people dancing and singing on the streets!!!
I am home now. It is 23:15 and I am listening to the new CD from Bebel Gilberto, another very nice one. Tomorrow I want to wake up early and enjoy my day off. Plans are to go to the beach, gym and I also need to go to Carrefour. Will try to take a few pictures of Dubai as now there is a huge billboard with the Statue of Liberty covering the whole 54 floors of the 21st Century Tower!
Time to sleep as my eyes are slowly closing and the fingers are not typing the right keys!
Love you all, miss you all and hope to get comments to know you are reading the blog!
Hello Vicente.
You don't know me but I think I might know you. I came across your blog while looking for ideas for my own blog for our trip next year.
What a coincidence!!
There in your photos I saw Silvia,Jussara and Bruna, (your primas e tias). Of all the millions of blogs what are the chances of that??
We are the family who hosted Silvia in Australia.
Sadly she no longer contacts us although she has inspired us to go and see Iguasu falls. Please pass on our love to the Queiroz Lopes family.
p.s. What an amazing life you have. Although it does sound like rather hard work.
Colin, at 23 June, 2004
Hiya Vicente,
Love the new layout of the Blog with the pics inserted as well
Always amazing to hear about your whereabouts as well, wish I had the opportunity to travel more but life in Dublin is doing allright, and I have a long weekend in Sweden to look forward to now ;)
Cant wait to tuck into all those Swedish strawberries there's nothing like the way they taste at this time of the year ;)
Take care
Love Mia
Anonymous, at 28 June, 2004
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