Dubai > Edinburgh (Glasgow) > Dubai > Paris
Another marathon from tomorrow. Wake up at 04:30 am to get ready for the 05:30 am pick up and 07:50 am departure to Glasgow. Plans are to arrive in Glasgow and head by train straight to Edinburgh. I am really excited as this is my first time in Scotland!!!
Once back in Dubai on Thursday at 00:40 am I come home, sleep, wake up and head to the airport to take the 15:00 hrs flight to Paris with Rodrigo. He is going to Rio de Janeiro on holidays and I will stay in Paris for the weekend. Need to go to the movies and visit the new Musée du Quay de Branly in Paris. Will stay with Alan and will definetly eat moqueca this time at a nice Brazilian restaurant!
Back to Dubai on Monday morning, July 24th, to get some rest and head to Johannesburg in the evening!!! In case I dont write much in the next few days it is because I will be busy 'unterwegs' (this is one of my favourite German words, which means 'under way, between places, not here, not there').
I love the word UNTERWEGS as well!
Além da moqueca, come um pain au chocolat por mim? S'il te plaît?
E manda uns bacci pro Alanzito?
kiotsukete, ne?
Anonymous, at 18 July, 2006
Querido, nada de ficar sem escrever no blog, pois tem pessoas que querem ler a cada dia um artigo novo......
Vi, a Escócia é linda, tire fotos e coloque no blog, por favor......
Anonymous, at 18 July, 2006
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