Lucky me!!!
I just landed from Nairobi, Kenya! It was a funny flight because half of the crew was feeling sick! Yesterday when we got to the hotel everybody talked about going out that night. Well, it was Saturday night in a 'big' African city!!! As I am quite unsocial during layovers I went to the hotel's gym, saw the beautiful sunset at the pool and later had a nice room service dinner watching TV. Fell asleep quite soon as I was tired.
Today when we were gathering in the lobby for the pick up some of the crew were looking quite pale and even refused the cup of tea the hotel offers. They all told about the dinner they had and the night out. Back at 2 am (I was fast asleep by than), etc. Once at the plane they all vomited and had to take immodium. So, I was blessed by my unsocial skills!!!
This was my second African layover in a week. The last one was Johannesburg, just after the holidays and I also spent the whole time in the room, sleeping and watching TV. Anyway it was freezing cold in the Transvaal (the plateau where Jo'burg stands).
Next flight is on Wednesday. This time to Rome!!! Will have the whole day to walk around La Eterna! Will try to make some nice pictures. And now two days off in Dubai. The best of all is that both Mircea (the Rumanian) and Felipe are away so I can walk naked, listen to loud music and just feel at home!
Oi Vi! Li seu post e me lembrei de um lugar maravilhoso em Roma. Vc tem que conhecer esse restaurante (frutos do mar) que eu fui da ultima vez que eu estava la. O nome é Desideria. Fica atras da Camera di Deputati: Via del Seminário 84 - 00186 Roma.
Eles so abriam para o jantar. Espero que ainda estejam abertos e que vc tenha tempo para experimentar. A comida é fantástica!!
Também tome um chá gelado no El Greco por mim!
Um beijao
Anonymous, at 29 May, 2006
Na proxima vez nao deixa de conhecer a casa da Karen Blixen nos arredores de Nairobi...lugar onde foi filmado "Out of Africa"...o gov. dinamarques comprou a ppdade e transformou-a num museu. Um abraço anti-social, Raul (rsrs)
Anonymous, at 29 May, 2006
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