Going on holidays...
For those who consider my life as cabin crew an eternal holiday, well, too bad. We actually get to have real holidays, like getting paid to be away on a beach without having to work our way there!!! And from tomorrow I have 16 of those days! Add to that the fact that we get to fly paying just 10% of what any other mortal would pay and off we go, accross the world in 16 days!!!
My backpack is ready, camera, iPod, books and even a bottle of mineral water! I know how stingy the cabin crew at Emirates can be at certain times so I will take my own.
Will do this as a surprise time. Will not tell where I am going. However, as soon as I get to a destination I will sit at a cyber café and write here, to keep you updated, informed and entertained!
So here I am at home, getting the final touches and soon going to sleep! Let's see who can guess where am I going first. The choices are:
a) Madagascar
b) New Zealand
c) California
I think you should stay in Dubai in solidarity with all your friends who are at work or studying. How about that?
Kidding...have a great time!
Alan, at 05 March, 2006
You haven't been in U.S for a while, so my guess is California!! Enjoy it!! XX Flav
Anonymous, at 05 March, 2006
Hello sweetie,
Let me know when you are in Germany and/or London and/or Sweden. Looking forward to see you before I leave to go to Canada...
Have a wonderful time, take care and enjoy
Love and Kisses
Anonymous, at 05 March, 2006
Enjoy Antananarivo !!! Say hello to the Lemurs....and don´t eat too much vanilla ! Raul
Anonymous, at 05 March, 2006
hej min älskling! Im expecting you in Stockholm in May, right? besos querido and enjoy your vacation
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006
HUM, que chique vc, apenas estrangeiros escrevendo no teu blog!!!!!
Tá podendo!!
Boa Viagem, divirta-se!!!
Beijos, Cá
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006
I am guessing you are going to Madagascar.
It is funny... Diego is begging us to go to madagascar since he saw the movie. I have been trying to explain that it won't be really like the movie.
Anyway, all I know is that you are not coming to California or your days alive would be numbered. If you come and don't tell me, I kill you.
Thanks for the blogs in English, even though I think my understanding of portuguese is improving.
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006
I'm still waiting for you in Switzerland !
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006
Eu acho que você está em Madagascar. New Zealand e California seriam escolhas muito comuns...
Você já foi pra Cabo Verde?
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006
nao tinha nada pra escrever, once I already know where you are, mas vi que todos teus amigos do mundo inteiro escreveram e achei que nao podia ficar fora desta!
bj PAti
Anonymous, at 08 March, 2006
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